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Holistic Emotional Therapy – Science driven techniques that can deliver the results you seek

  • Improve relationships
  • Release distressing life events
  • Ease grief & loss
  • Release anger
  • Experience emotional & physical well-being
  • Overcome addictions & substance abuse
  • Experience forgiveness of self & others
  • Conquer fears
  • Conquer worry
  • Conquer shame & humiliation
  • Heal hopelessness
  • Release guilt
  • Remove blocks to transform your life & business
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve your game
  • Improve memory & focus

The techniques offered on this website are considered part of the field of Complementary & Alternative Medicine and therefore are outside traditional Western approaches to health and wellness. The state of Arizona does not license practitioners of these techniques and considers them to be complementary and alternative methods. Although Holistic Emotional Therapy uses the term “therapy”, it is not to be construed that the services offered on this website are the practice of psychotherapy, medicine, or any other licensed health care service. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.

  • Are you holding grudges from the past that hinder your life, harm your health and compromise your ability to achieve your goals?  Hurt and anger should be fleeting emotions, not permanent fixtures. 
  • It’s possible to feel better faster with a holistic approach to emotional wellness.
  • Where we come from affects where we go, and what sits unresolved in our past influences our present. 

In “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk

an expert in the field of trauma work and Harvard-trained psychiatrist, we learn that very good therapy can go out the window when the nervous system is on high alert. Many of the good coping skills that are learned and practiced in traditional talk therapy can be rendered useless when the nervous system is hijacked. The idea that the brain (nervous system) can derail a person is mirrored over and over in research literature – Gottman, Porges, Fisher, and Sterman.

Our brain and body work both electrically and chemically. Medication helps many people, but generally psychotropic medication does not heal the brain. The medication must be continued, tends to lose effectiveness and must be titrated up, often has side effects, and it doesn’t work for everyone.

There is a way to monitor and train the electrical patterns in the brain to do the healing. The brain can learn to self-regulate and balance. You can be an active part of your own healing without medication or with less medication.

Our thoughts matter:

We cannot control the events or circumstances of life, but we can control our reactions. Controlling the reactions can be the difference between healthy minds and bodies and sick and disease prone minds and bodies.

American Medical Association – Research finds that stress is a factor in 75 percent of all illnesses and diseases that people suffer from today.

The American Institute of Stress – Research shows that 98% of mental and physical illnesses come from our thought life.

The American Institute of Health estimates 75-95 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems stemming from toxic thinking.

Dr. Bruce H Lipton states 98 percent of diseases are related to lifestyle choices – our thinking. Lipton is a cell biologist recognized for bridging science and spirit. A former professor at the University of Wisconsin Medical School and the Stanford School of Medicine, Lipton was a lifelong atheist until his discoveries about the way cells function convinced him that God does exist.

Harvard’s Medical School’s Mind-Body Institute, Dr. Benson’s research confirms DNA changes shape according to our thoughts. According to Benson, negative thinking leads to stress, which affects our body’s natural healing capacities. Toxic thinking wears down the brain and body.